Interconnection of OAED with the European Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information (EESSI) | Page 4 | CBS

Interconnection of OAED with the European Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information (EESSI)

Interconnection of OAED with the European Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information (EESSI)

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The interconnection of OAED with the European Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information (EESSI) was successfully completed. EESSI is a system designed by the European Union to enable the exchange of social security information between the member states of the European union, the European economic area and Switzerland securing the equal treatment and free circulation of citizens in the European Union.


The interconnection of OAED with EESSI is part of a general effort to upgrade the services offered to Greek citizens through digital transformation. The services enhanced through this integration include categories such as: unemployment services, family provision services, maternity provision services, paternity provision services and others. Furthermore, this digital integration enables OAED to exchange social security information with the social security services of other members of the European Union enabling quicker management in the exchange of data, quicker decision making between sectors and more effective verification of the integrity of the data being exchanged.


The new system conforms to the rules required by the European union concerning the connection of social security systems by maintaining high confidentiality and data security standards. For more information you can visit:


Spyros Protopsaltis, Director of OAED, mentioned that: “The interconnection of OAED with the European Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information (EESSI), is another step towards the completion of the digital transformation of OAED that will eradicate bureaucratical delays and enable easier movement for citizens of the European Union. Our priority is to utilize technology in the most effective and efficient way, to continuously offer new innovative tools and services to the citizens.